Iowa Overview


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Iowa State Facts
  • Iowa was the 29th state in the USA; it became a state on December 28, 1846
    • Herbert Clark Hoover was born in West Branch on August 10, 1874

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Iowa Life Insurance:

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April 8, 2011

Iowa is located in the Midwestern region of the US. It is also referred as the “American Heartland.” It boasts of diverse economy, culture and landscape. It is estimated that in the US, more than one third of the population doesn’t have adequate life insurance. Although few people may not feel it’s necessary to own an insurance policy, it’s essential for majority of the people to have a life insurance policy. After all, no person wants to leave his/ her family financially unprepared in case something unexpected occurs. If you’re a resident of Iowa, its time you bought an Iowa life insurance policy.

The Iowa life insurance industry is regulated as per the Title VIII of the Iowa Insurance Code.

Following are some factors that will affect your life insurance rates in Iowa:

  • Your blood pressure will have a considerable impact on your life insurance premium. This is because a high blood pressure can be the root cause of various health problems, including stroke and heart attack. Hence, if you have a high blood pressure, it’s recommended that before purchasing a life insurance policy, you consult an experienced physician and try to bring down your blood pressure to the normal level.

  • Considering the types of life insurance policies available, the type of insurance policy you choose can have a significant effect on your premium rates. For instance, if you opt for a term insurance policy, your premium rates can vary based on the duration of the policy. This means, the longer your policy lasts, the higher premiums you’ll have to pay. Similarly, permanent forms of life insurance will require you to pay the same premium rates throughout the policy period.

  • Alcohol consumption is another key factor that plays an important role in determining your insurance rates. There’s no harm in drinking occasionally; however, habitual drinking can result in serious health problems and thus, prompt insurance companies to quote high insurance rates. It is believed that people classified in the ‘heavy drinkers’ category either don’t qualify for a life insurance policy or are required to pay high insurance rates.

  • Just as alcohol consumption, excessive smoking too goes a long way in determining your premium rates. Excessive smoking can lead to many health complications, such as asthma, cancer and heart disease. Thus, if you’re a chain smoker, you may need to pay a large amount of premium rates.

    Now that you know the factors that will affect your Iowa life insurance rates, ensure to do the needful and buy a suitable policy that suits your requirement.

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