North Carolina Overview


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Did You Know?

North Carolina State Facts
  • The state capial of NC is Raleigh
    • James Knox Polk was born in Mecklenburg County on November 2, 1795 (he was the 11th US President, serving from 1845 to 1849).

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April 11, 2011

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North Carolina is located in the Southeastern region of the US. It comprises 100 counties. The capital city of North Carolina is Raleigh and its largest city is Charlotte. North Carolina ranks 40th among the 50 US states in terms of Life expectancy. It has the average life expectancy of 75.8 years. If you are a resident of North Carolina and are planning to purchase a life insurance policy, it is recommended that you have a better idea about the laws and regulations of North Carolina life insurance.

Purchasing a life insurance policy in North Carolina is a major decision and can bring about major changes in your life. Majority of people consider purchasing a life insurance policy only after they marry, have children or buy a new home. However, a better option will be to buy a life insurance at the earliest. Purchasing a life insurance policy at a young age will also require you to pay less insurance premiums.

Following are certain factors that can prove risky to your chances of getting North Carolina life insurance with low monthly premiums:

  • Serious medical conditions:

    Many insurance providers tend to put applicants with specific medical condition into a single group, without even considering each individuals situation. Due to this, every person, with a specific medical condition, irrespective of whether it is a serious or mild illness, is quoted the same insurance premium price. Thus, even if you do not have a major illness, you will be required to pay a large premium.

    If your illness is not major, it is recommended that you locate an insurance provider that treats each application on an individual basis.

  • Bad habits such as drinking and smoking:

    Your lifestyle habits can have a bearing on your insurance policy premium rates. If you are a habitual smoker or drinker, your health will surely decline with time. No insurance provider will like to provide a life insurance policy to a person who has risks involved with regards to his/ her health. Hence, if you have drink or smoke excessively, it is time you quit them for good. By maintaining a safe and healthy lifestyle, you can obtain a policy with cheap premiums.

    When purchasing North Carolina life insurance policy, you need to know that the insurance providers in North Carolina offer a free look period of at least 10 days. This means that within these 10 days, if you feel the policy you have bought a policy that does not fit your requirement, you can cancel the policy and get full refund.

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