South Carolina Overview


Top 10 Largest Cities

Did You Know?

South Carolina State Facts
  • Andrew Jackson was born in Waxhaw on March 15, 1767 (he was the 7th US President, serving from 1829 to 1837).
    • Main Industries are; farming (tobacco, soybeans), textiles, manufacturing chemicals

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April 11, 2011

South Carolina is one half of the Province of Carolina (North Carolina being the other half) and is one of the 13 colonies that, during the American Revolution, declared independence from the British Crown. It is believed that King Charles II of England had named Carolina in the honor of his father King Charles I. South Carolina was one of the founding states of the Confederate States of America. It has a population of around 4,625,384 (as per the 2010 US Census) and ranks 24th among the 50 US states. The capital city of South Carolina is Columbia.

South Carolina is believed to be among the US states with lowest Life Expectancy rates. With a life expectancy of 74.8 years, it ranks 47th among the 50 US states and the District of Columbia. With time, increasing number of South Carolina residents are realizing the importance of having a life insurance policy. If you are a South Carolina resident and are planning to purchase a life insurance policy, following are some reasons that will assure you to opt for South Carolina Life Insurance Policy:

  • Having a life insurance policy is one of the most effective ways to safeguard your loved ones from income loss or financial catastrophe, when you are not in the picture. Irrespective of the number of dependants you have, including your elderly parents, children and parents, a life insurance policy can act as a partial replacement and solution in the event of your death.

  • A South Carolina life insurance policy helps in paying for the final expenses, such as debts and medical expenses, estate planning and administrations costs and burial costs. This ensures that your loved are not required to pay for these unexpected expenses.

    Under the South Carolina life insurance state code, all insurance providers in the state need to provide their clients/ consumers with a free look period of at least 20 days. During this duration, if you feel, for some reason, that the policy you have purchased wont prove helpful in the long run, you can cancel the policy and get full refund from the insurance provider. Some insurance companies in South Carolina offer a free look period of as many as 30 days.

    Now, that you know how a life insurance policy can benefit you and have a brief idea about the South Carolina insurance policy, you can choose a suitable life insurance policy for you. Its recommended that you obtain life insurance quotes from different insurance providers over the Internet.

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