Life insurance is something that is often times not kept during retirement years. With the opportunity to presumably self insure at that point, many people will drop their term or let it expire. While this is a strategy of many, it is not always the best one to pursue. You may assume you don’t need or want life insurance after retirement, but how do you truly know how you will feel when you reach that age.
We speak to clients everyday that are looking to qualify for coverage that are 60 years old and over. They consistently say that they wish they had bought when they were younger or planned for some coverage into retirement. With that being said, it is certainly very possible to still qualify for coverage and the premiums will be determined by health. Premiums have become more and more affordable due to life expectancy increasing.
The amount of coverage and reason for coverage may be totally different than when the client was 35. At 35, they might have had a primary focus of replacing income if a premature death occurred. At 65, income replacement might be less important and it might be about estate planning, mortgage protection, and final expenses. When you are looking at your financial plan it is important to consider changing items of importance in your life. It is always a good idea to look at your plan every year or two, to make sure nothing has changed. If something has changed it may be something to address, or it may simply be something to keep in mind going forward.
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