Life Insurance Blog

February 19th, 2010
in Life Insurance

jacksonville-florida-life-insuranceJacksonville, Florida — Most consumers understand that term life insurance is a very basic form of insurance that offers coverage over a certain period of time. These specific periods can be in 10, 15, 20, or 30 year increments, but this can really vary on carrier or product.  You can make premium payments monthly, quarterly or yearly.

Once your policy term period ends, no premium payments are made because you are now out of coverage and no death benefit (American General Life Insurance) will be paid in the event of someone passing. If you wish to maintain your policy coverage after the term period ends than you must either convert that policy into a permanent policy or purchase another term life insurance policy for another a specified period of time. Term life insurance is often viewed as one of the cheapest ways to purchase coverage.

Many consumers are trained to purchase term insurance policies because they are less expensive and invest the rest in the stock market. If you are looking for a safe way to earn interest on your money you may want to look at a whole life policy rather than a term.  Either way you will always get some payout on death benefit, while under a term life insurance policy, the possibility always exists that the policyholder will outlive their policy, and lose all of the money the paid in. A great deal of statistics show that payments that are made under a term life insurance policy are lost, which makes it much easier for life insurance carriers to offer this coverage at a cheaper price.

Article Source:  Life Insurance Article


February 18th, 2010
in affordable life insurance

ponte-vedra-florida-life-insurance2Ponte Vedra Beach, Florida –  To find the best value in an affordable life insurance policy comes from an insurance carrier that engages in a “complete underwriting” process of all life insurance policies. If your policy is fully underwritten, then the  insurance company does a great deal of research into a the prospective customers health history before a policy is issued.

Much of this information is used to figure out the likelihood that a policyholder out live a policy. Accordingly, much healthier individuals will be able to get a better rate than unhealthy individuals. Life Insurance Underwriting guides will also look at family health history in many instances, but if a certain lifestyle is designed to counter any known family hereditary health issues, most underwriters will take detailed notes.

What does a health life style have to do with life insurance?  A healthy lifestyle includes a complete list of items individuals do to stay healthy such as; exercise, eating healthy and avoiding bad habits such a tobacco use or drinking to much alcohol. Many  underwriters will also consider the nature of an applicant’s employment history as well as certain high risk hobbies. For instance, a person that sky dives is more likely to die on the job than an lawyer is, and someone who jogs regularly presents less of a risk than an active cliff jumper.  Read More Here At Referenced Article:

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